State of Espírito Santo Forum on Climate Change approved the first phase of the Decarbonization Plan's implementation

On Tuesday (20), the State's Forum on Climate Change approved the first phase of the Decarbonization Plan's implementation. The proposal includes a series of economic and policy strategies to accelerate the transition to a cleaner and more sustainable economy.
"Espírito Santo has been a reference in various areas, and we are taking a step forward with the Decarbonization Plan. In addition to carbon emissions reduction, we will also generate opportunities. We need to meet annual targets to achieve the Paris Agreement by 2050. We have a strong program that can serve as a reference for other states," said the Governor of Espírito Santo, Renato Casagrande.
The Decarbonization Plan includes measures such as the analysis of differentiated credit lines for decarbonization projects, the implementation of regulatory policies and investment attraction, and the promotion of public-private investment in projects that support the transition to a low-carbon economy. Furthermore, the plan aims to promote emissions reduction, creating a competitive potential for local businesses.
The proposal is crucial for the state to fulfill its commitments under the Paris Agreement and the United Nations' "Race to Zero" and "Race to Resilience" campaigns. The objective is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.
The approval of Espírito Santo's Decarbonization Plan is a significant advancement for the state, positioning it as a key player in combating climate change and promoting sustainable development. With the implementation of the proposed strategies, Espírito Santo is poised to achieve the established goals, contributing to mitigating the effects of climate change and preserving the environment for future generations.
The Secretary of State for Environment and Water Resources, Felipe Rigoni, highlighted the importance of pursuing carbon emissions reduction and meeting agreed-upon targets.
"What we are doing here is very important. The effects of climate change are already being felt, and the Decarbonization Plan is undoubtedly one of the main actions for us to be prepared. CO2 is the main cause of the greenhouse effect, and we need to seek solutions to reduce these emissions. Led by Governor Renato Casagrande, we have one of the most robust programs in the country, which is the Capixaba Climate Change Program. In total, there are over 50 actions," stated Rigoni.
The research work on technological alternatives for the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emission Neutrality Plan of Espírito Santo is being conducted by experts in the thematic areas responsible for the major GHG emissions in the state, selected based on the National Inventory of Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Federal Unit (MCTI, 2021). These thematic areas include Energy, Industry, Forests and Land Use Change, Agriculture, and Waste. The selected team comprises researchers from various research institutions within the state (UFES, IFES, and INCAPER) as well as researchers from outside the state (UNICAMP).
In addition to academic researchers, the project includes state employees specifically assigned to act as a link between the State Government's Strategic Plan and the technical work carried out by the researchers. Their role mainly involves data collection within the scope of the State Government and the validation procedures for the strategies and policies proposed in the project, ensuring alignment between the strategies and the Government's vision.
Following the guidelines established by the State Commission on Climate Change (CEMC, 2021), the GHG Emission Neutrality Plan will include the development of a schedule outlining the plan's implementation phases, including targets, periodic review/monitoring stages, and the creation of mechanisms and public policies to support program implementation. Additionally, economic strategies will be analyzed to facilitate and accelerate the decarbonization of the economy, such as the possible implementation of fiscal incentives for cleaner energy sources, differentiated credit lines for decarbonization projects, and other strategies aimed at promoting decarbonization.
It is important for the plan to be designed with the incorporation of dates for periodic revisions, considering its horizon of 2050. Therefore, the plan should be flexible enough to progressively incorporate technological advancements and potential changes in the future. It should also include relevant milestones to assess the progress and effectiveness of proposed actions, identifying feasible intermediate targets to be achieved throughout the trajectory towards neutrality.
The development of the GHG Emission Neutrality Plan will follow a Strategic Planning approach, encompassing the stages of diagnosis (existing emissions inventory, potentials, limitations, socio-economic characteristics of the state) and planning. The planning stage will be constructed with four levels of detail:
- Guidelines: guiding principles shared by all thematic areas, which will be used to define the strategies employed to reduce emissions in each sector. These guidelines will be established based on the findings and information gathered during the diagnosis phase.
- Strategies: delineation of the strategies to be employed in each thematic area to achieve the goal of GHG emission neutrality in Espírito Santo by 2050.
- Projects: description of the projects necessary for the implementation of the strategies outlined to achieve the goal of GHG emission neutrality in Espírito Santo by 2050.
- Action Plans: delineation of action plans for the execution of the projects defined to implement the strategies.
Public Engagement
To ensure the participation of stakeholders (society and the productive sector), a routine of communication and social mobilization should be established for each of the 3 phases of the GHG Emission Neutrality Plan. The strategies for data collection, plan development, and evaluation should involve a Support Group, consisting of representatives from stakeholders. These representatives will include representatives from state secretariats, government agencies, and autonomous bodies, as well as the Federation of Industries of Espírito Santo (FINDES), the Federation of Agriculture and Livestock of the State (FAES), the Federation of Transport Companies of Espírito Santo (FETRANSPORTES), the State Coordination of Protection and Civil Defense, the State Council of Environment (CONSEMA), the State Commission on Climate Change, and other sectors relevant to the issues related to the subject.
The Communication and Social Mobilization Plan will aim to engage and inform stakeholders throughout the different phases of the plan. It will include strategies such as:
- Stakeholder Engagement: Establishing regular communication channels with stakeholders, including meetings, workshops, and consultations to gather input, share progress, and address concerns.
- Public Awareness Campaigns: Developing and implementing targeted campaigns to raise awareness among the general public about the importance of GHG emission reduction and the benefits of the plan.
- Information Dissemination: Ensuring that relevant information, updates, and progress reports on the plan are widely accessible through various communication channels, including websites, social media, press releases, and public events.
- Collaboration with Media Outlets: Building relationships with media outlets to disseminate accurate and timely information about the plan, its objectives, and achievements.
- Education and Capacity Building: Conducting educational initiatives, training programs, and workshops to enhance understanding and build capacity among stakeholders regarding climate change, GHG emissions, and the importance of their involvement in the plan.
- Partnerships and Alliances: Collaborating with NGOs, community organizations, and other relevant stakeholders to leverage their expertise, resources, and networks in promoting the plan and mobilizing support.
By implementing an effective Communication and Social Mobilization Plan, the engagement of stakeholders will be enhanced, fostering a sense of ownership and commitment to the GHG Emission Neutrality Plan in Espírito Santo.
Click here for a summary of the project (in english and portuguese) or click here for a detailed description of the project (in portuguese)